A claim that the defendant in a suit has against the plaintiff from the same transaction.
What is discovery and what is its purpose?
Discovery allows both parties to “discover” information in the case. The purpose is to narrow the basis of the complaint and to eliminate surprises to both parties.
What are interrogatories?
Written questions by one party to the other, which are answered under oath.
What is a deposition?
A formal interview under oath in the presence of a court reporter. The answers in a deposition are oral.
Will I end up at trial?
Only about 1% of all personal injury cases end in a court; most will settle.
I was ordered to pay “costs” . What does that include?
Usually, it will include attorney, clerk, witness, and docket fees.
What is civil law?
Principles that govern relationships between people, where no crime has been committed.
What is a class action lawsuit?
When a large group of plaintiffs sues a large group of defendants naming a representative in place of the entire group. Examples would be the tobacco industry suits and the suits against the drug manufacturers of the popular diet medications, such as fen-phen.
What is negligence?
A failure to act reasonably in a situation. Doing something carelessly or failing to do something, i.e. driving without your headlights on.
What are punitive damages?
Damages awarded to punish the defendant.